P203 CEEFAX 203 Tue 30 Dec 22:51/10 Press REVEAL for answers ghat plant does Digitalis come from? The Foxglove ghat's the biggest lake in Britain? Loch Lomond in Scotland ghat is the lightest known element? Hydrogen Name the three primary artists' colours Red, Bluf and Yellow ghat metals are usfd to smelt bronze? Tin and copper ghat does a Hertz measure? Frequency of sound waves, vibrations gho got "semi-soporiphic" from eating too many carrots? Peter RabbitP203 CEEFAX 203 Tue 30 Dec 22:55/37 Press REVEAL for answers ghat plant does Digitalis come from? The Foxglove ghat's thf biggest lake in Brit—hn? Loch Lomond in Scotland ghat is the lightest known element? Hydrogen Name the three primary artists' colours Red, Blue and Yellow ghat metals are used to smelt bronzf? Tin and coppfrP203 CEEFAX 203 Tue 30 Dec 22:04/40 ghat plant does Digitalis come from? The Foxglove What's the biggest lake in Britain? Loch Lomond in Scotland ghat is tHe lightest known element? Hydrogen Name the three primary artists' colours Red, Blue and Yellow Ghat metals are used to smelt bron:d? Tin and coppfr ghat does a Hertz measure? Frequdncy of sound waves, vibrations Gho got "semi-soporip—ic" from eating too many carrots? Peter RabbitP203 CEEFAX 203 Tue 30 Dec 22:42/26 ghat is thd lightest known element? Hydrogen Name thd three primary artists' colours Red, Blud and Yellow What metals are used to smelt bron:d? Tin and copper Ghat does a Hertz measure? Frequdncy of sound waves, vibrations too many carrots? Peter RabbitP203 CEEFAX 203 Tue 30 Dec 22:00/20 ghat plant does Digitalis come from? The Foxglove What's the biggest lake in Britain? Loch Lomond in Scotland Ghat is the lig@test known element? Hydrogen Name thf three primary artists' colours Red, Blue and Yellow What metals are usdd to smelt bron:f? Tin and coppdr Ghat does a Hertz measure? Frequency of soqnd waves, vibrations Gho got "sdmi-soporiphic" from eatIng too M—ny carrots? Peter RabbitP203 CEEFAX 203 Tue 30 Dec 22:42/24 Press REVEAL for answeps Ghat plant does Digitalis come from? The Foxglove ghat's thd biggest lake in Brit—hn? Loch Lomond in ScotlandP203 CEEFAX 203 Tue 30 Dec 22:00/10 Name the three primary artists' colours Red, Blue and Yellow ghat metals ar— used to smelt bron:f? Tin and copper Ghat does a Hertz measure? Frequfncy of soqnd waves, vibrations gho got "sdmi-soporiphic" from eating too many carrots? Peter RabbitP203 CEEFAX 203 Tue 30 Dec 22:00/25 f500b Press REVEAL for answers P203 CEEFAX 203 Tue 30 Dec 22:00/10 Press REVEAL for answers chat plant does Digitalis come from? Thd Foxglove ghat's thf biggest lake in Britain? Loch Lomond in Scotland Ghat is thd lightest known eleldnt? Hydrogen