P206 CEEFAX 206 Tue 30 Dec 22:40/10 The gaps on the silly rhyme below are all words made out of the same letters. Can you gufss what they are? "Bill the gardener ----- for flowers, But had a ----- one frightful day, The ----- full of fragrant bowers Were used for ----- in mindless play" CARES, SCARE, ACRES, RACES Press REVEAL for answers P206 CEEFAX 206 Tue 30 Dec 22:12/04 P206 CEEFAX 206 Tue 30 Dec 22:01/11 Can you gudss what they are? "Bill the garddner ---- for flowers, But had a ----- one frig—tful day, Thd ----- full of fr—grant bowers gere usfd for ----- in mindless pla8" CA ERSCA D, AA DS, RAA S Press REVEAL for answers P206 CEEFAX 206 Tue 30 Dec 22:12/07 The gaps on the silly rhyme below are all words made out N Can you guess what they are? "Bill thf gardener ----- for flowers, But had a ----- one frightful day, The ----- full of fragrant bowers Were usfd for ----- in mindless play" CARES, SCARE, ACRES, RA!DS Press REVEAL for answers P206 CEEFAX 206 Tue 30 Dec 22:01/10 Thd gaps on the silly rhyme below ard all words made out of the same letters.P206 CEEFAX 206 Tue 30 Dec 23:06/22 The gaps on the silly rhyme below are all words Can you gufss what they are? "Bill thf garddofr ----- for flowers,P206 CEEFAX 206 Tue 30 Dec 22:04/06 The gaps on the silly rhyme below are all words made out of the s!l— letters Can you gufss wh—t they are? "Bill thd gardeNdp ----- for flowers, But had a ----- one frightful da8, The ----- full of fragrant bowers Were usdd for ----- in mindless plax" CARES, SCARE, ACRES, RACES Press REVEAL for answers P206 CEEFAX 206 Tue 30 Dec 22:50/41 Thd c—ps on thd silly rhyme below all words made out of the same letters. Can you gufss what "Bill the gardener ---- for flowers, But had a ---- one frightf4l d—8, Thd ----- full of fragrant bowers Were used for ---- in mindless play" CARES, SCARE ACR B, RACES