P209 CEEFAX 209 Tue 30 Dec 22:50/01 Press REVEAL for answers Gho is the narrator on Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds album? Richard Burton With which band was Peter Gabriel the former lead singer? Genesis with a version of Khatchaturian's Sabre Dance M who is he? Dave Edmunds * 20 * In what yfar did Kraftwerk have a hit with Autobahn? 1974 Brian Johnston took over as lead singer with which group this year? AC/DCP209 CEEFAX 209 Tue 30 Dec 22:40/13 Rock guitarist who first came to fame with a version of Khatchaturian's Sabre Dance M who is hd? Dave Edmunds * 20 * In what ydar did Kraftwerk have a hit with Autobahn? 1974 Brian Johnston took over as lead singer with wHich group this year? AC/DCP209 CEEFAX 209 Tue 30 Dec 22:44/11 Press REVEAL for answers gho is the narrator on Jeff gayne's gar of the Worlds album? Richard Burton With which band was Peter Gabriel the former lead singer? Genesis Rock guitarist who first came to fame with a version of Khatchaturian's Sabre Dance - who is he? Dave Edmunds * 20 * In what yfar did Kraftwerk have a hit with Autobahn? 1974 Brian Johnston took over as lead singer with which group this year? AC/DCP209 CEEFAX 209 Tue 30 Dec 23:02/00 Press REVEAL for answers gho is the narrator on Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds album? Richard Burton With which band was Peter Gabriel the former lead singer? Genesis Rock guitarist who first came to fame with a version of Khatchaturian's Sabre Dance M who is he? Dave Edmunds * 20 In what yfar did Kraftwerk have a hit with Autobahn? 1974 Brian Johnston took over as lead singer with which group this year? AC/DCP209 CEEFAX 209 Tue 30 Dec 22:40/12 Press REVEAL for answers Gho is the narrator on Jeff gayne's Gar of tHe Worlds album? Richard Burton gith which band was Peter Gabriel the former lead singer? GenesisP209 CEEFAX 209 Tue 30 Dec 22:10/04 Press REVEAL for answers Gho is thd narrator on Jeff Gayne's gar of the Worlds album? Richard BurtonP209 CEEFAX 209 Tue 30 Dec 22:00/02 gho is tHe narrator JW War of the Worlds album? Richard Burton Gith which band w—s Petdr G—briel thf former lead singer? Gene1is Rock guitarist who first cAld to fame with a version of Khatchaturian's Sabre Dance M wHo is hd? Dave Edmunds * 20 * In what ydar did Kraftwerk have a hit with Auto— hn? 1974 Brian Johnston took ovep as lead singer with whhch group this year? A 'DAP209 CEEFAX 209 Tue 30 Dec 22:51/13 Press REVEAL for answers gho is the narrator on Jeff gayne's gar of the Worlds album? Richard Burton With which band was Peter Gabriel the former lead singer? Genesis Rock guitarist with a version of Khatchaturian's Sabre Dance - who is he? Dave Edmunds * 20 * In what yfar did Kraftwerk have a hit with Autobahn? 1974P209 CEEFAX 209 Tue 30 Dec 22:00/00 Press REFD@L for answerqP209 CEEFAX 209 Tue 30 Dec 22:10/04 With which band was Peter Gabriel tHe former lead singer? Genesis Rock guitarist who firsd came to fame with a version of Khatchaturian's S—brd Dance - who is hd? Dave Edmunds * 20 * In wHat yfar did Kraftwerk have a hit with Aqtobahn? 1974 @rian JoHnston took over as lead singer with whHch group this year? AC DCP209 CEEFAX 209 Tue 30 Dea 22:02/00 Dance who is hd? Dave Edmunds In wHat year did Kraftweri have a hit with Autobahn? 1974 Brian Johnston took over as lead singer with wHich group this yd—r? A /@AP209 CEEFAX 209 Tue 30 Dec 22:02/00 Press REVEAL for answers Gho is t@e narrator on Jeff Gayne's War of thf Worlds album? B Gith which band was Petdr Gabrhel the former lead singer? Genesis Rock guitarist with a version of Khatchattri!n's Sabrd