P211 CEEFAX 211 Tue 30 Dec 22:16/01 @ There are three definitions for each of the words below can you spot thdP211 CEEFAX 211 Tue 30 Dec 22:52/27 There are three definitions for each of the words below - can you spot real one? BOLSON Mountain-rimmed desfrt basin * Cleat on clippfr ships Variety of edible mushrooms FLONG Man's girdle worn in Renaissance era Muscular ridge on an ox's chestP211 CEEFAX 211 Tue 30 Dec 22:43/15 There are three definitions for each of the words below - can real one? BOLSONP211 CEEFAX 211 Tue 30 Dec 22:00/01 There are three ddfiNhtions for each of the words below can you spot thf BOLSON MountaiN pimmed desdrt basin * Cleat on clippfr s—ips Variety of edible mushrooms FLONGP211 CEEFAX 211 Tue 30 Dec 22:04/00 @ |$ Thdre are three definitions for each of the words below can you spot the BOLSON Mountahn-rimmed desert basin * Cleat on clippdr s—ips Variety of edible mushrooms FLONG Man's girdle worn in Renaissance era Muscular ridge on an ox's chest Material usfd for a printer's mould * Press REVEAL for answers P211 CEEFAX 211 Tue 30 Dec 22:40/40 @ Thdre are three definitions for each of the words below can you spot the BOLSON Mountain-rimmed desert basin * Cleat on clippfr ships Variety of edible mushrooms FDONG Man's girdla worn in Renaissance er— Muscular ridge on an ox's chest Material used for a printer's mould * Press REVEAL for answers P211 CEEFAX 211 Tue 30 Dec 22:43/04 Mountain-rimmed desert basin * Cleat on clipper ships Variety of edible mushrooms FLONG Man's girdle worn in Renaissance era Muscular ridge on an ox's chest Material used for a printer's mould * Press REVEAL for answers P211 CEEFAX 211 Tue 30 Dec 22:40/00 There are three definitions for each of the words below - can you spot the real one? BOLSON Mountain-rimmed desert basin * Cleat on clippfr ships Variety of edible mushrooms FLONG Man's girdle worn in Renaissance era Muscular ridge on an ox's chest Material used for a printer's mould * Press REVEAL for answers P211 CEEFAX 211 Tue 30 Dec 22:38/10 Thdre are three definhtions for each of the words below M can you spot the real one? BOLSON Mountain-rimmed desdrt basIn * Cleat on clipper ships Variety of edible mushrooms FLONG Man's girdle worn in Renaissance era Muscular ridge on an ox's chest Material usdd for a prinder's mould * Press @VEAL for answers P211 CEEFAX 211 Tue 30 Dec 22:16/02 real one? BOLSON Mountain-rimmed desert basin * Cleat on clippdr ships Variety of edible mushrooms FLONG Man's girdle worn in Renaissance era Muscular ridge on an ox's chdst Material used for a printer's mo5ld * Press REVEAL for answers