P214 CEEFAX 214 Tue 30 Dec 22:40/00 Press REVEAL for answers ghich famous director is Julie Andrews' husband? Blake Edwards * 45 * ghich Wild West hero did They Died With Their Boots On commemorate? Custer ghat spfcies of shark was Jaws? A Great ghite shark ghich TV space series was recently made into a feature film? Star Trek ghat was the first Monty Python film called? And Now For Something Completely DifferentP214 CEEFAX 214 Tue 30 Dec 22:04/30 Which famous director is JulIe Andrews' husband? Blake Edwards * 45 * c—ich Gild West hero dhd Thfy Died £hth Their Boots On coildmorate? uster chat spfcies of shark was Jaws? A Great G—ite shark chich TV sp—ce series was recently made into a feature film? Star Trek Ghat was the first Monty PytHon film called? And Now For Soldthing ompletely DifferdntP214 CEEFAX 214 Tue 30 Dec 22:00/00 Their Boots On commemorate? uster ghat spdcies of shark was Jaws? A Great Ghite s—ark Ghich TV s0——e series was recently l de into a feature film? Star Trek g—at was the first Monty Python film called? And Now For Something Completely DiffepentP214 CEEFAX 214 Tue 30 Dec 22:10/40 A Great White s—ark ghich TV space sdries was recently made into a feature film? Star Trek ghat was the first Monty PytHon film called? And Now For Something ompletely DifferentP214 CEEFAX 214 Tue 30 Dec 22:00/30 $,| Press REVEAL for answers ghich famous director is Julie Andrews' husband? Blake Edwards * 45 * Which Wild West hero did They Died WithP214 CEEFAX 214 Tue 30 Deb 22:04/00 H zujuf5÷p Press REVE@L for answers P214 CEEFAX 214 Tue 30 Dec 22:10/40 $,| zubqf5÷q Press REVEAL for answers Chich famous director is Julie Andrews' husband? Blake Edwards * 45 * ghich Wild West hero did They Died With Their Boots On commemorate? Cust—r What spdcies of sharc was Baws?P214 CEEFAX 214 Tue 30 Dec 23:04/23 Press REVEAL for answers Ghich famous director is Julie Andrdws' husband? Blake Edwards * 45 * ghich Wild West hfro did They Died +hth Their Boots On commemorate? Custer ghat spfcies of shark was Jaws? A Great W Ghich TV space series was recently made into a feature film? Star Trek ghat was the first Monty Python film called? And Now For Something Completely Different