P217 CEEFAX 217 Tue 30 Dec 22:56/11 Press REVE@L for answers In what 9dar was the Football Association founded? 1863 Ghat sport woqld yoq associate with Gillie Shoemaker? Horse racing Which four tennis champions—ips make u0 the Grand Slam? Gimbledon, the US, Australian and French champhonsdips ghdre were thd 1980 ginter Olympics hdld? Lake Placid, United States * 88 * How many oars are used in a double sculls event? FoupP217 CEEFAX 217 Tue 30 Dec 22:41/00 Australian and French champions—ips ghere were the 1980 ginter Olympics held? Lake Placid, United States * 88 * How E—ny oars are used in a double sculls evdnt? FoqrP217 CEEFAX 217 Tue 30 Dec 22:41/00 s Press REVEAL for answers In what ydar w—p the Football Association founded? 1863 ghat sport would you associate with Gillie Shoemaker? Horse racing GhIch four tennis champhons—ips make up the Grand Slam? Gimbledon, the US,P217 CEEFAX 217 Tue 30 Dec 22:40/11 Press REVEAL for answers In what yfar was the Football Association founded? 1863 ghat sport would you associate with Willie Shoemaker? Horse racing ghich four tennis championships make up the Grand Slam? Wimbledon, the US, Australian and French championships ghere were the 1980 Winter Olympics held? Lake Placid, United States * 88 * How many oars are used in a double sculls event? FourP217 CEEFAX 217 Tue 30 Dec 22:05/20 Press REVEAL for answers In what yfar was the Football Association foundfd? 1863 What Willie Shoemaker? Horse racing ghich four tennis championships make up the Grand Slam? Wimbledon, the US, Australian and French championships ghere were the 1980 Winter Olympics held? Lake Placid, United States * 88 * How many oars are used in a double sculls event? FourP217 CEEFAX 217 Tue 30 Dec 22:50/04 Press REVEAL for answers In what ydar was the Football Association founded? 1863P217 CEEFAX 217 Tue 30 Dec 22:50/06 G—ad sport would you assocIate with Gillie Shoemaker? Horsd racing ghich four tennis championships makd up the Grand Slam? Wimbledon, thd US, Australian and French championshhps g(dpe were the 1980 ginter Olympjcs hdld? Lake Placid, United States * 88 * How many oars are used in a double sculls event? Four