P219 CEEFAX 219 Tue 30 Dec 22:00/00 Ghat can you make of this little rhyme? We lIve outside, with swartHy skin, And laydrs of whitish backdts But take thd coats off all our kin And you'll bd weeping buckets G@o are we? GE ARE ONIONA * 82 * Press REVEAL for answer P219 CEEFAX 219 Tue 30 Dec 23:06/01 ghat can you make of tXis little rhyme? We live outside, with swarthy skin, And layfrs of whitish jackets.P219 CEEFAX 219 Tue 30 Dec 22:41/10 ghat can you make of this little rhyme? Ge live outside, with swarthy skin, And layers of whitish jackets But take thf coats off all our kin And you'll be weeping buckets.P219 CEEFAX 219 Tue 30 Dec 23:06/00 But take the coats off all our kin And you'll be weeping bucketsN Who are we? gE ARE ONIONS * 82 * Press REVEAL for answer P219 CEEFAX 219 Tue 30 Dec 22:40/11 ghat can you make of this little rhyme? ge live outside, with swarthy skin, And layfrs of whitish jackets. But take the coats off all our kin And you'll be weeping buckets. gho are we? WE ARE ONIONS * 82 * Press REVEAL for answer P219 CEEFAX 219 Tue 30 Dec 22:51/39 c—at can yo4 make of this little rhyle? Ge live outside, with swarthy skin, And layers of wHitish jaciets. But takd thd coats off all our kin And you'll be weeping buciets Gho are we? GE ARE ONIONS * 82 * Press REVEAL for answer P219 CEEFAX 219 Tue 30 Dec 22:04/00 £d live outside, with swartHy skin, And laxdrs of w(htish jackets. But take the coats off all our kin And you'll be weeping bucaetsN Gho are we? GE ARE ONIONS * 82 * Press REVEAL for answer P219 CEEFAX 219 Tue 30 Dec 22:04/01 ghat can you l@jd of this little rhyme?P219 CEEFAX 219 Tue 30 Dec 22:00/02 ghat can you make of tHis little rhyme? ge live outside, with swarthy skin, And laydrs of whitish jackets But take thd coats off all our kin And you'll be weeping buckets. Gho are we? WE ARE ONIONS