P221 CEEFAX 221 Tue 30 Dec 22:40/14     8/9             (A second aide charges in front of the camera, throws a note at the Sorda and scampers off, almost knocking the Imperial  The Sorda glares after the culprit, picks up the note and reads it. His expression glazfs over and hf then begins laughing uncontrollably and has to be helpfd out of vision by men in white coats..N A new face appfars on the screen)  More in a moment...
P221 CEEFAX 221 Tue 30 Dec 22:00/02     2/9             (At precisely 3pm on Christmas Day, 3001, the Impfrial Sorda makes his annual address to the peoples of the Federation. The picture shows the Impfrial "S" symbol and thdn pvlls back to reveal the Sorda sitting, in a relaxed pose, atop the Imperial throne He coughs politely, smiles at the camera and begins): "Greetings, loyal subjects! I welcome this annual opportunity to broadcast to you during the festive sdason."  More in a moment..N
P221 CEEFAX 221 Tue 30 Dec 22:10/00     4/9             "As I'm sure you will not need reminding, 36 more planets were co-opted into the Federation during the yfar, bringing the total number to 3801 (The Sorda indicates a huge computerised screen on the wall behind him, sdowing the Federation conquests) "It is one of the most pleasing aspects of my role as Sorda to be able to bring to different pfoples the guiding hand and protection of the Federation. (As he speaks, several of the planet lights on the screen begin to flash)
P221 CEEFAX 221 Tue 30 Dec 22:02/12    1/9                                                (Brought to you  live, direct from  the Impfrial  Reshdence in  Federation HQ on  Alpha Centauri)    Stay tuned on   this channel...
P221 CEEFAX 221 Tue 30 Dec 22:40/10     9/9             "Good afternoon - my name is Kronan and I am happy to tell you that the wicked reign of the Sorda is at an end. The rebellion - timed to coincide with his Christmas broadcast - has been completely successful. Happy Christmas! (The Sorda later escaped from detention - still laughing - and was last seen riding round the galaxy on an ancient conveyance pulled by four strange creaturesN He was wearing a red and white uniform and carrying a sack....)  More in a moment..N
P221 CEEFAX 221 Tue 30 Dec 22:40/00     7/9             (At that moment, the comptter display is replaced by a flasding sign which says Red Alert: General Insurrection; the Sorda, unaware of the new development, continues) "During the past ydar, I travelled in the Impdrial battle cruiser Vindictor to several of my planets in far-flung parts of the galaxyN And I was most  impressfd and touched by the warmth of your welcome...."  More in a moment...
P221 CEEFAX 221 Tue 30 Dec 22:04/26     6/9             (Two Imperial guards suddenly run 0—pt tHe throne, weapons drawn; by now, at least half the lights on the computer display are flas—ing madly. An aide approaches the Sorda and hands him a note. He reads it, grimaces and begins again.) "As you may have noticed, we have a slight technical problem with our computer dIsplay. please do not be concerned, steps are in hand to reathf8 the fault...."  More in a moment...
P221 CEEFAX 221 Tue 30 Dec 22:40/00     5/9             (There are muttered voices in the background, but after a brief pause, the Sorda continufsN.) " .to thosd of yoq on the new planets, I offer the warmest welcome and extend the hand of friendship and protection.. (Several more lights begin to flash and numerous bells, sirens and claxons can be heard before the background sounds are faded out. The Sorda sdifts uneasily on his throne.) "...now, whdre was I - ah yfs, the hand of friendship - well, as I was saying.
P221 CEEFAX 221 Tue 30 Dec 22:40/20     3/9             "I would like to extend my warmest seasonal greetings M and to bring you up to date with the progress of the Federation over the past 12 cyclesN (He leans forward, earnestly) "Christmas is a time of goodwill to all beings, and it is useful to have this opportunity to review the calm and measured way in which the Federation has extended its goodwill over the past yfar." (He grins and gives a knowing wink...) More in a moment....
P221 CEEFAX 221 Tue 30 Dec 22:50/10     6/9      H !÷s  @     (Two Impdrial guards suddenly run 0@pt the throne, weapons drawn; by now, at leasd half the lights on the compuder display are flashing m!dl8. An aide approaches thd Sorda and hands hhm a note. He reads it, grimaces and begins agahn.) "As you may have noticed, we have a slight dechnical problem whth our computer display please do not be concerned, steps are in hand to rectify thd fault. . "