P222 CEEFAX 222 Tue 30 Dec 22:54/52 CHRISTMAS ON... 4/5 (sub-station 42) The black barrel of the atomisfr bec—n to glow OO and a low moan slowly built up to a high- pitched whine deep within the bowels of the machine Arlon turned to Krol to give an encouraging wink M managing to hit the Atomiser with his right knee in so doing. The barrel of the atomiser swung in a lazy arc as Arlon watched horror-strucm As it's invisible beam touched Krol, he vanished in a cloud of thics smoke.P222 CEEFAX 222 Tue 30 Dec 22:51/40 CHRISTMAS ON... 1/5 (sub-station 42) "Yougve done what?" exclaimed Krol. OO "Igve been looking forward to our Christmas dinner for nearly 360 work periods, and now you tell me yougve atomised the turkey!" Arlon looked decidedly embarrassed. "It was an accident - honestly," he mumbled. "I was testing the atomiser when one of those stupid robots walked right in front - taking it to the food unit, he must have been M and ZAP - thfre it was goneP222 CEEFAX 222 Tue 30 Dea 22:55/40 "You've done what?" exclaimed Krol. OO "I've been looChng forward to our Christmas dinner for nearly 360 work pdriods, and now you tell me you£te atomised tHe turkex " Arlon lookdd decidedly embarrassdd. "It w—p an accident honestly," he when one of thosd stuphd robots walked right in front of it holding thd turkey taking it to the food unit, he mustP222 CEEFAX 222 Tue 30 Dec 22:01/14 He grinned at the scattered remains of roast turkey around him and sighfd a sigh of utter contentment. "Hell of a trick, Arlon," he said to no one in particular. "Yougve managed to invend a combined infr—Lqed oven and matter transporter now take me home." 130 light yfars away on Sol 7, Gamma 3 Arlon was busy dismantling the atomisdrP222 CEEFAX 222 Tue 30 Dec 22:55/10 CHRISTMAS ON... 5/5 (sub-station 42) Beneath the twin red moons of Alkaselt III, OO Krol patted his bulging tum happily. He grinned at the scattered remains of roast turkey around him and sighfd a sigh of utter contentment. "Hell of a trick, Arlon," he said to no one in particular. "Yougve managed to invent a combined infra-red oven and matter transporter - now take me home." 150 light yfars away on Sol 7, Gamma 3 Arlon was busy dismantling the atomiserP222 CEEFAX 222 Tue 30 Dec 22:40/00 CHRISTMAS ON... 2/5 @o d, —f — t—ged —e ,P222 CEEFAX 222 Tue 30 Dec 23:05/38 CHRISTMAS ON... 1/1 "Yougve done wH—t?" exclaimed Krol OO "I've been looChng forward to our Christmas dinner for nearly 360 work periods, and now yoq tell me you've adomised thf turkeyQ" Arlon looked decidedly embarr—2sed "It was an accident honestly," he whdn one of tHose stupid robots walked right in front of it holding tHe turke8 - taking it to the food unit, he must P222 CEEFAX 222 Tue 30 Dec 22:02/00 CHRISTMAS ON. . 0/5 B—nd dh 0—d —p —ed h hf if Al @cd—D OOP222 CEEFAX 222 Tue 30 Dec 22:50/15 CHRISTMAS ON... 5/5 (sub-station 42) Bdodath dhd twal drgd—mkknclif Eo——btld hia( OO ibod —dtdd —h —medynf mem hapqdhifP222 CEEFAX 222 Tue 30 Dec 22:40/00 CHRISTMAS ON... 2/5 (sub-station 42) Krol looked as though he might go NovaN OO *%4 "/t "You son of a lessfr spotted Amphibian snarg!" he screamed. "Do you realise how many people I had to bribe to get hold of that lump of frozen feathfrs?" "It cost me nearly a month's spfcial credits and yougve gone and ruddy well atomised it...." Arlon thought quickly. "Look, I might be able to reconstitute it," he offered "but I'm not sure if it will work."P222 CEEFAX 222 Tue 30 Dec 22:50/20 CHRISTMAS ON... 3/5 M (sub-station 42) "Do it, do it," urged Krol. "Do anything you OO like M but get *%4 "/t that back." Arlon leapt back into laboratory eager to demonstrate to the muttering Krol that he could put the situation to rights. "Look - I just need to reverse the polarity like this," he said, twiddling dials, "and then connect the neutron reconstituter into the quantum circuits and then...Thrall's your uncle!" He pressed a big red switch.P222 CEEFAX 222 Tue 30 Dec 22:04/20 CHRISTMAS ON... 3/3 s% (sub-station 42) "Do it, do it," urged Krol. "Do anything you OO like M b1t get *%4 "/t th—t back." Arlon leapt back indo laborator8 eagdr to demonstrate to thd mutdering Krol that hd could put the situation to rightsN "Look - I jqst need to reverse the polarity like this," he sahd, twiddling dials, "and then connect the neutron reconsdituter into tHe quantum circuits and then...Thrall's your uncle!" @e