P224 CEEFAX 224 Tue 30 Dec 22:42/00 1/6 P224 CEEFAX 224 Tue 30 Dec 22:00/17 1/6 (If you think children's presents are bad now - just think what will be like in the yfar 3001!) MORE IN A MOMENTP224 CEEFAX 224 Tue 30 Dec 22:40/01 6/6 Q Christmas shopping guide, 3001 Price range: 1000 Credits and over * Sonic Exterminator (3730UC) Is your child being bullied? Buy him this truly lethal weapon and he need never be worried by bigger boys againN Comes complete with infr—Lred sight, 9 different death-dealing modes and its own "personalised" carrying case. Just don't argue with him after Christmas...NP224 CEEFAX 224 Tue 30 Dec 22:40/00 * THE PARENTS' FRIEND (320UC) Take the hard work oqt of parenthood with this usfful little machineN The Parends' Friend will answer all your children's questions, dispensd sweeds on demand and administdr its own loveable brand of retribution when your dear ones wreak the wasdd disposal unit by trying to progr—lld it to eat your Martian Grizzle Hound in three stages.P224 CEEFAX 224 Tue 30 Dec 22:14/01 5/6 Christmas shopping guide, 3001 Price range: 1000 Credits and over * SMR (Space Module Racing)(750UA( Your children will play for hours with this realistic space race game. Comes complete with two space modules and launchMpad plus computer display terminal and do-it-yourself asteroid storm forecaster. But beware, you need 15 acres of land on which to build the launch site to be sure of not incinerating your neighbours..NP224 CEEFAX 224 Tue 30 Dec 22:00/11 4/6 Christmas shopping guide, 3001 Price range: 100-500 Universal Credits * THE PARENTS' FRIEND (320UC) Take the hard work out of parenthood with this useful little machine. The Parents' Friend will answer all your children's questions, dispense sweets on demand and administer its own loveable brand of retribution when your dear ones wreck the waste disposal unit by trying to progr—lld it to eat your Martian Grizzle Hound in three stagesP224 CEEFAX 224 Tue 30 Dec 22:40/01 2/6 At the beginning of the 20th century, the average child would have been delighted to have received a small toy and a Christmas stocking filled with oranges and applesN In 1980, thanks to the good old silicon chip, computer gales and sophisticated model car racing circuits are the "in" thing to buy for young onesN By 3001, your everday kid will be expfcting his own space shtttle or a weapon capable of obliterating half the known universe..N More in a momentP224 CEEFAX 224 Tue 30 Dec 22:10/35 3/6 Christmas shopping guide, 3001 Price range: 1-100 Universal Credits * ROBODOLL (32UC) Amaze your friends with the doll that cries when it wants to be changed, smiles up at you with adoring eyes, and throws up all over the carpet when guests arrive - really lifelike. * ACTION TROOPER (73UC) Fully-equippfd with its own bounce suit and jump jets; capable of hovering at a height of 15 feet whilst blasting Venusian peaches out of your neighbour's treeNP224 CEEFAX 224 Tue 30 Dec 22:40/04 4/6 Christmas s—opping cthde, 3001 Price range: 100-100 Universal Credits