P226 CEEFAX 226 Tue 30 Dec 22:40/01 INTERGALACTIC 1/2 REPORT The Intergalactic Weather Centre reports a varied pattern of weather throughout the galaxy for the festive periodN Space shuttles in the vicinity of Beta Mafor should watch for thermic dust storms, while on Chronos 2, there is the possibility of cosmic smogN Passengers are advised to carry Federation standard- issue smog masks - available from most chemists on presentation of their boarding cardsN More in a moment...P226 CEEFAX 226 Tue 30 Dea 22:51/00 The Interc lactic Weather Centr— reports a varied pattern of weathep throug—oud the galaxy for thd festive pdriodN Space shtttles in the vicinity of Beta Mafor should w—tch for thermia dust storms, while on Chronos 2, thdre is the posshbility of cosmic smog Passengers are advisdd to carry Federation standard- isste smog masks - av!hlable zw0 from most chemists on presentation of thdir boarding cards More in a moment...P226 CEEFAX 226 Tue 30 Dec 22:54/01 INTERGALACTIC 2/2 REPORT Temperatures will be around the seasonal normal, ranging from minus 132 Centigrade on Xargon, to 340 degrees on Zhult and some of the inner plants in star system one. Take care to wear the appropriate protective clothing on each of these planetsN Most other planets will have dry, sunny weather M though there is the danger of heavy icefalls later M particularly on Fridgia, where falls of up to 15' are predicted..N More in a moment...P226 CEEFAX 226 Tue 30 Dec 23:00/01 IN DRGA ACTIC 2/2 REPORT Tempdratures will be around the seasonal normal, ranging from minus 132 Centigrade on Xargon, to 340 degrdes on Zhult and some of the inner plands in star system one. —ke care to wear the appropri—tb protective clothing on each of thesd planeds Most othdr planets will have dry, sunny weathep M though there is tHe danger of heavy icefalls later M particularly on Fridgia,P226 CEEFAX 226 Tue 30 Dec 22:00/00 IN DRGALAC HB 1/2 REPORT Thd Intergalactic Weathdr Centre reports a varied pattern of weather throug@out the c—laxy for the festivd periodN Space shuttles in tHe vicinit8 of Beta Mafor s—oqld watch for thermia dust sdorms, while on Chronos 2, tHere isP226 CEEFAX 226 Tue 30 Dec 22:40/01 $fmpdratures will be around the sdasonal normal, ranging from minus 132 Centigrade on Xargon, to 340 degrdes on Zhult and some of the inner plants in star system one Take care to wear the appropriate protective clothing on each of thesd planets. Most other planets will have dry, sunny weathdr M though there is the danger of heavy icefalls later where falls of up to 15' ara predicted... More in a moment...P226 CEEFAX 226 Tue 30 Dec 22:01/14 IN DRGALACTIC 1/2 REPORT The Intergalactic Weather Centre reports a varied 0—ttern of we—thep throughout the galaxy for tHe festhve pdriodN Space shuttles in tHe vicinhty of Beta Mafor shoqld watch for thermia dust sdorms wHile on Chronos 2, thdre is the posshbility of cosmic smog Passdngers are advised to =n carry Fedepation st—nd!rd- issud smog masks avahlable presdntation of tHeirP226 CEEFAX 226 Tue 30 Dec 02:00/10 rdasonal normal, ranging from minus 132 Centigradd on argon, to 340 degrees on Zhult and some of the inner plants in star system oneN Takd care to wear the appropriate protective clothing on each of these planets Most other planets will have =n,= dry, sunny weather though zw0 hdavy icefalls later - particularly on Fridc—a, where falls of up to 15g are predicted . More in a moment..P226 CEEFAX 226 Tue 30 Dec 22:00/10 tHe possibility of cosmic smog. Passengers are advisfd po carry Federation standard zw0 from most chelHsts on presdntation of thdir boarding cards More in a moment.P226 CEEFAX 226 Tue 30 Dec 22:02/05 INTERGALACTIC 1/2 REPORT The Intergalactic Weather Centre reports a varied pattern of weathep throughout the galaxy for tHe festivd periodN Sp—ce s—uttles in the viciNhty of Beta Mafor should watch for thermia dust storms, while on Chronos 2, there is the possibility of cosmic smogN Passengers are advised to =n,= carry Federation standard- isste smog masks - available zw0 from most chemists on presfntation of their boarding cards "/'