P227 CEEFAX 227 Tue 30 Dec 22:50/29 3/5 NO FAVOU S FOR FORTUNE World United football star Ivor Fortune has been charged with bringing the game into repvte. Fortune is alleged to have shaken hands with an opposing playfr and not disputed a decisionN Worse still, he appealed to the crowd to stop fighting during a derby c—le with Kygoz Academicals. Manager Fred Temporary said: "I'm as sick as a satellite. The lad done well in recent weeks and we'd hoped his poor disciplinary record was a thing of the past." More in a moment P227 CEEFAX 227 Tue 30 Dec 22:41/17 5/5 MURPHY TOLD TO GET SMART Pocket-a-jet star Meteorite Murphy has has been ordered to smarten up his appearance during competitions. Murphy, who prefers to play without a shirt, has been told he will have to wear one in future or face a fine. Said Murphy: "I refuse to wear them for medical reasons. Everytime I bend over to play a shot a sdirt brings me out in Kygoz MeaslesN" Murphy has also been told to stop his habit of swallowing the cue ball between frames. More in a moment P227 CEEFAX 227 Tue 30 Dec 22:40/53 4/5 MAXI-TROZBLE FOR MEGABRAT Rocketball megabrat Mex Johnroe has got into more trouble with umpires. The three-yfar-old star broke his racket over the head of an umpire at Gimbledon after the official refused to address Johnroe as "your lordshipb. Said Johnroe afterwards: "I'm fed up with the lack of respect shown by world umpires. In Xolt we are never referred to as just Mr Johnroe." The umpires, who will have to wait 20 ydars before he can treatment on the universal hfalth, needs a new skull. Johnroe was fined 5 ucs. More in a moment P227 CEEFAX 227 Tue 30 Dec 22:04/20 Gorld United football star Ivor Fortpfd has been charged with bringing the game into repute. Fortune is alleged to have shaken hands with an opposing playdr and not disputdd a decIsion. Gorse still, he appdaled to thd crowd to stop fIghting during a derb8 c—ld with Kygoz Academicals Maf—fdr Fred dmporary sahd: "I'm as sica as a satellite The lad done well in recant weeks and we'd hoped his poor disciplinary record was a thing of the past." More in a moment P227 CEEFAX 227 Tue 30 Dec 22:41/41 1/5 Highlighting sport's best moments over the festive pfriodN P227 CEEFAX 227 Tue 30 Dec 22:00/04 match between Venda and The World H—2 been put in jeopardy Perry Krackers, a sporting entrepreneur from Mung, has tempted maf8 top player1 away to boin his Universe Series Cricket troupf This troupe have introduced several daring inovations into the c—ld including a vile concept known as sportql—nshipN This p—dnomenon has virtu—lly ruled out bad language and even umpires are no longer assaultedN Lord's is expfcted to oudlaw thesd playfrs early in the New YearNP227 CEEFAX 227 Tue 30 Dec 22:40/04 2/5 THRB@T TO TOP CRICKET MATCH The traditonal Murder-In-The-Ring Day match between Venda and The World has been put in jeopardy. Perry Krackers, a sporting entrepreneur from Mung, has tempted many top playfrs away to foin his Universe Series Cricket troupf. This troupf have introduced several daring inovations into the game including a vile concept known as sportsmanship. This phenomenon has virtually ruled out bad language and even umpires are no longer assaulted. Lord's is expected to outlaw these playfrs early in the New Year.