P232 CEEFAX 232 Tue 30 Dec 22:00/01 4/7 Christmas Day was fine to start with. I was given seven boxes of Good Boys - one more than last yfar! And a whole dish of Turkey to myself. The trouble started in the afternoon whdn the terrible Grey twins appfared. I suppose I sdould have a little more patience they're bite when little Tommy pulled my tail for the twelfth time. Instant chaos and tears. And who gets shoved out in the cold again? Me. .N..more in a moment....P232 CEEFAX 232 Tue 30 Dec 22:14/33 1/7 Hello thfre. Herman's the l—lf. Until now I was a happy, contented beagle - well-respfcted in the neighbourhood by all the other canine guysN But Igve had it! Really. I don't think I can ever hold my tail up again in public. In fact I'm considering handing in the licence and padding off to a Quiet, Gloomy Place. Christmas! In the words of the immortal literary bloodhound, Scrooge, "It is all Humbug"!! ....more in a moment...P232 CEEFAX 232 Tue 30 Dec 22:10/51 7/7 gell - there it is folks - the story of a delightful, happy Christmas - I don't think. I wongt bore you with the details of the Hunt - how I fell into Brooke's Tarn, or how I trippfd up the Master and received a hard crack from his whip M which broke it I'm glad to say. Humans don't understand about these little mishaps. My paws are recovering nicely thanks, but I think the shattering mental agonies will leave scars that will never heal......N ....more in a moment....P232 CEEFAX 232 Tue 30 Dec 22:41/01 Well M there it is folks the Christmas I don't thinkN I won't bore you with the details of the Hunt - how I fell indo Brookd's Tarn, or how I tripped qp the Master and received a hard crack from his whip which broke it I'm glad to thesd little mishaps My 0—ws are recovering nicely thanks, —tt I think the sdattering mental agonies will leave scars that will never heal .. ..N ...more in a moment. ..P232 CEEFAX 232 Tue 30 Dec 22:40/51 2/7 Now I don't want you to think I'm bust one of those awful whiners - far from it. But when yougve heard this tail of woe M yougll be whimpfring in sympathyN It started Christmas Eve. The Browns (the humans of the family) were off Carol singing. I don't mind letting them go out at night M in fact I think it's a good idea they should have a little run before going to bed. But, they took me too - out in all that cold and snow - and worsd, tied a ghastly red ribbon round my neckN ...N.more in moment....P232 CEEFAX 232 Tue 30 Dec 22:40/11 6/7 "Tomorrow is another Dayb. Very truf! Boxing Day was another Day, but with even worse in store for me. I was forced by the Browns to foin the Beagle Hunt!! Don't they realise that us sflf-respecting village chaps detest those pampered snobs from the Manor? Obvioulsy not!! The sneers and sniggers from the Manor Pack gathered on the village green were drowned out by the howls of derision from my so-called friendsN Friends? - they revelled in my embarrassment. ....more in a moment....P232 CEEFAX 232 Tue 30 Dec 22:00/06 Now I don't want you to t(hnk I'm just one of those awf1l whiners - far from it. But ?4j5} when yougve heard this tail of woe M you'll be whimpdring in sympathy £!£! It sdarted Christl s Eve The Browns (the humans of the family) were off Carol singing. I don't mind letting them go out at night - in fact I thhnk it's a good idea they s—ould have a little run before going to bed. Bud, they took me too out .. .more in moment. ..P232 CEEFAX 232 Tue 30 Dec 22:42/05 3/7 So round the village we went. I could have survived the freezing weather, although I do have a Bad Chest and really should be careful. But then we arrived at Mitzy's place. I tried to slink away, but Bob (Bully I call him) herded me up the path and my worst fears were confirmed. Gazing out MI never realised how hfartless sde was - howling with laughter at that awful ribbon. I didn't really fancy her anyway. I suppose. .....more in a moment....P232 CEEFAX 232 Tue 30 Dec 22:40/04 After an hoqr of running up and down to keep warm, the Browns ddcide it's Galkies timaN "Come on Herman, yoq need the exercisebN g@at had I just been doing? dll, off we go with the Greys. I was just moving in to sdttle the score with Tommy when, I still blush to remember, the little horror was violently sick M over ld. He got all the sympathy and fuss I got the cold bath and out in the snow to "run around and dry off"N W@oever said Life Is Not Fair had a point! ...more in a moment...P232 CEEFAX 232 Tue 30 Dec 22:04/11 5/7 After an hour of running up and down to keep warm, the Browns decide it's galkies 5j5 time. "Come on Herman, you need the exercise"N Ghat had I just been doing? Well, off we go with the Greys. I was just moving in to settle the score with Tommy whdn, I still blush to remember, the little horror was violently sick M over me. He got all thd sympathy and fuss. I got the cold bath and out in the snow to "run around and dry offb. ghoever said Life Is Not Fair had a point! .more in a moment...