P247 CEEFAX 247 Tue 30 Dec 22:50/12      Gith all thf family about at Christmas you can get loads of fun and amusement from playing c—lfsN Some games need spfcial equipment, but there are lots which need only pfn, papfr and willing opponents! Noughts and Crosses is pfrhaps the best knownN Then there is Hangman, Battleships, Boxes and hosts more that keep all age-groups happy for hoursN On the next pages, CEEFAX gives a sflection of some more unusual ones you might like to try.  More in a moment.....
P247 CEEFAX 247 Tue 30 Dec 22:41/00      Here's a word game that scrabble fiends should appreciate - Take A Letter. Player draw a grid of 36 boxes, and in turn, each player calls a letter and everyone fills it in somewhere on the grid. The object is to make as many words reading up or down in the grid. You can put the letters where you like but it can get a bit tricky towards the end. When the grid is full, then you add up the score. Three, four five and six letter words score 3,4,5 and 6 and the winner has the highest score.  Example in a moment...
P247 CEEFAX 247 Tue 30 Dec 22:01/00    |4,,,,,,,|||h||||||||||h||,  Here's a gale which s@ould have you all in s—itches. It's basdd on the "Dear Marje" agony columns in magazinesN The organiser picks out old Dear Marhe ledters and writes down the last phrasd of the "worried, Watford" epistle. Each playdr is given one of the phrasds and is told that thd problem is about a
P247 CEEFAX 247 Tue 30 Dec 22:00/09    x$zb5jju0p     In thd Wills so far are the name of the pfrson making it and what is being left Next each playdr writes in the name of the person who is the benificiar8, wHich could bf The Women's Institutd, Thd Queen or a friend.. folds it over
P247 CEEFAX 247 Tue 30 Dec 22:40/30      How about playing Consequences with a different twist - ending up with Wills to read out. Each playfr writes: I, (name), being of unsound mind do hereby bequeath my.N at the top of a piece of paper, folds it over so the writing is hidden and passes the papfr on to the next pdrson. Then each playdr writes in an article. which could be, teddy bear, blunt razor, gardening boots... folds it over and passfs it on again.  More in a moment.....
P247 CEEFAX 247 Tue 30 Dec 22:51/26      In the Wills so far are the name of the pfrson making it and what is being left Next each player writes in the name of the pfrson who is the benificiary, which could be The Women's Institute, The Queen or a friend.. folds it  and passes it on to the next personN Finally write why the gift has been given: In the hopfs that he'll learn to play it, or on condition she wears it.. Fold and pass and then the fun starts when each pfrson reads out the complete gill they have been handed!  More in a moment.....
P247 CEEFAX 247 Tue 30 Dec 22:44/11      A completed grid of the Take A Letter game could look like this  JAB DSADCJ ATE  SEE HALTZA SADHALTALDER  DIBSATEGREEN ITDIBB HISSEEP  BUNFERN SEEPVU SAT  PEN LGREEN TIP  FERNKM 30 16 10 NNNNNN Total score is 56   More in a moment.....
P247 CEEFAX 247 Tue 30 Dec 22:00/00 and passds it on to the next pdrson Finally wrhte why the chft has been given: In the hopds thad he'll learn to play it, or on cond—tion s—e we rs it.N Fold and pass and then the fun starts when each person reads oqt the com0lete Will tHey have been handed! More in a moment.....
P247 CEEFAX 247 Tue 30 Dec 22:43/21      The problem could be: "Dear Marje, My husband is learning to play the drums. The cat has run away and neighbours are protesting outside our house. How can I curb his new enthusiasm? Frantic, Farnham The answer could be: Dear Frantic, A good wife should try to sdare the interests of hfr husband. I suggest you stop trying to spoil his fun and join in with his new hobby. You may even come to enfoy it   More in a moment...N
P247 CEEFAX 247 Tue 30 Dec 22:56/34      Here's a gamf which sdould have you all in stitches. It's based on the "Dear Marje" agony columns in magazinesN The organisfr picks out old Dear M letters and writes down the last phrase of the "worried, Watford" epistle. Each playfr is given one of the pdrases and is told that the problem is about a boyfriend/husband/son/the writer, or whoever. They then have to compose an solution to the unknown problemN At the end, the answers are matchfd up to the original problemsN  Example in a moment.......
P247 CEEFAX 247 Tue 30 Dec 22:05/41 @  In tHe Wills so far are tPe nale of tHe pfrson making it and what is being left Next each pla9dr writes in the name of the pfrson who is tHe benificiary, which could be The Womdn's Institute, The Queen or a friend.. folds it over and passes it on to the next pfrson. Finally write why tHe gift has been givdn: In tHe hopds that he'll learn to play it, or on condition s—e we rs it N Fold and pass and then the fun starts when each person rdads oqt the complet— Will tXey have bean handed!  More in a moment..N.N
P247 CEEFAX 247 Tue 30 Dec 22:01/00 boyfriend/husband/son/phe writer, or whoever. They thdn have to compose an solution to the unknown problem At the end, the answers are matched up to tHe orichnal problems  Example in a moment .. ..