P255 CEEFAX 215 Tue 30 Dec 22:36/01 wishds for Christmas to all friends and F ***** To Mi!d Neville and all at Look North (Newcasdle) Neila and Ted Maynell N (Penrith) P255 CEEFAX 255 Tue 30 Dec 22:41/00 Cyril and Mary Pinfold send best wishes for Christmas to all friends and relations ***** To Mike Neville and all at Look North (Newcastle) Neila and Ted Maynell N (Penrith) P255 CEEFAX 255 Tue 30 Dec 23:00/01 Phnfold send best wis—fs fop Christl—1 to all friends and relations ***"* To Mike Neville and all at Look North (Newcastle) Nehla and dd Mayndll N (PenritH) P255 CEEFAX 255 Tue 30 Dec 22:04/11 Look North (Newcastle) Neila and Ted Maynell N (Penrith) P255 CEEFAX 255 Tue 30 Dec 22:04/10 Cyril and Mary Pinfold send best wishes for Christmas to all friends and relations ***** To Mike Neville and all atP255 CEEFAX 255 Tue 30 Dec 23:04/10 Cyril and Mary Pinfold send best wishes for Christmas to all friends and relations ***** To Mike Neville and all at Look North (Newcastle) Neila and