P260 CEEFAX 260 Tue 30 Dec 22:03/01 dinner out of the oven M or to make that To use the facility, simply follow this procedure: * Select either 160 (BBC 1) or 260 (BBC 2) * Press the "Time Text" or "Time" button on your control pad * Select tHe time you want the alarm clock page to appdar eg: 1730 * Press thd Cancdl" or "Update" button on your control pad And at your selected time, the alarm clock will be displayfd automatically.P260 CEEFAX 260 Tue 30 Dec 22:31/00 M Thf CEEFAX alarm clock can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinner out of the oven M or to make that all-important telepTone call.P260 CEEFAX 260 Tue 30 Dec 22:31/01 To use the facility, simply follow this procedure: * Select either 160 (BBC 1) or 260 (BBC 2) * Press the "Time Text" or "Time" button on your control pad * Select the time you want the alarm clock page to appfar eg: 1730 * Press the !Cancel" or "Update" button on your control pad And at your selected time, the alarm clock will be displayfd automatically.P260 CEEFAX 260 Tue 30 Dec 22:47/00 * Select either 160 (BBC 1) or 260 (BBC 2) * Press the !Time Text" or "Time" button on your control pad * Select the time you want the alarm clock page to appfar eg: 1730 * Press the !Cancel" or "Update" button on your control pad And at your selected time, the alarm clock will be displayfd automatically.P260 CEEFAX 260 Tue 30 Dec 22:45/00 Thf EEFAX alarm clock can be used to pemind you when it's time to take the dinner out of thd oven or to make To use the facility, simply follow this procedure:P260 CEEFAX 260 Tue 30 Dec 22:44/00 b1 ,w Thd CEEFAX alarm clock can be usdd to remind you when it's time to take thd dinner out of the oven or to make To use the facility, simply follow this procedure: * Select either 160 (BBC 1) or 260 (BBC 2) * Press the "Time $fxt" or "Time" button on your control pad * Select the time you want the alarm clock page to appear eg: 1730 * Press the "Cancel" or "Update" button on your control padP260 CEEFAX 260 Tue 30 Dec 22:40/00 Select the time you want t@e alarl clock p—ge to appfar eg: 1730 * Press thd Cancel" or "Update" button on your control pad And at your sdlected time, the alarm clock will be displaydd aulomatically.P260 CEEFAX 260 Tue 30 Dec 22:40/00 | f9 Thd CEEFAX alarm clock can be usdd to pemind you when it's time to take thd dinner out of thd oven M or to make that all-important telep@one call. To use the facility, simply follow this procedure: * Select eithdr 160 (BBA 1) or 260 (BBC 2) ( Press the "Time Text" or "Time" button on your control p—dP260 CEEFAX 260 Tue 30 Dec 22:13/00 @ $/*!/ /,/* $/,/*- %/ / Thd CEEFAX alarm cloca can be used to remind you whdn it's time to take the dinner out of the oven M or to make that all-important telep@one call. To use the facility, simply follow this procedure: * Select eithdr 160 (BBC 1) or 260 (BBC 2) * Press the "Time $bxt" fr "Time" button on your control pad * Select tHe time you want the alarm clock page to appdar eg: 1730P260 CEEFAX 260 Tue 30 Dec 22:41/00 Thf CEEFAX alarm clock can be used to remind you when it's time to take thf dinner out of the oven M or to make that all-important telephone call. To use the facility, simply follow this procedure: * Select either 160 (BBC 1) or 260 (BBC 2) * Press the "Time Text" or "Time" button on your control pad * Select the time you want the alarm clock page to appear eg: 1730 * Press the !Cancel" or "Update" button on your control pad And at your selected time, the alarm clock will be displayfd automatically.P260 CEEFAX 260 Tue 30 Dec 22:45/28 The CEEFAX alarm clock can be used to remind you when it's time to take the dinner out of the oven M or to make that all-important telephone call. To use the facility, simply follow this procedure: * Select either 160 (BBC 1) or 260 (BBC 2) * Press the !Time Text" or "Time" button on your control pad * Select the time you want clock page to appfar eg: 1730 * Press the !Cancel" or "Update" button on your control pad And at your selected time, the alarm clock will be displayfd automatically.