P263 CEEFAX 263 Tue 30 Dec 22:00/02 @ To thd staff at Stoke Mandevilld and Royal Bucks hospitals from Linda, Tim Lee and Ian 5// Parker Love and bestP263 CEEFAX 263 Tue 30 Dec 22:12/30 FTo t(— staff at Stoce Mande6hll— and Royal Bucks hospitals from Linda, Tim Lee and Ian Parker Love and best wishes to Graham and Snoo08 of Exlouth from Debbie KerleyP263 CEEFAX 263 Tue 30 Dec 22:13/43 Love and best wishfs to Graham and Snoopy of Exmouth from Debbie Kerle8P263 CEEFAX 263 Tue 30 Dec 22:41/00 To the staff at Stoke Mandeville and Royal Bucks hospitals from Linda, Tim Lee and Ian Parker Love and best wishes to Graham and Snoopy of Exmouth from Debbie KerleyP263 CEEFAX 263 Tue 30 Dec 23:06/36 To the staff at Stoke Mandeville and Royal Bucks hospjtals from Linda, Tim Lee and Ian Parker Love and best wishes to Graham and Snoopy of ExmouthP263 CEEFAX 263 Tue 30 Dec 22:13/42 To the staff at Stoke Mandeville and Royal Bucks hosphtals from Linda, Tim Lee and Ian ParkerP263 CEEFAX 263 Tue 30 Dec 22:04/10 To the staff at Stoke Mandeville and Royal Bucks hospitals from Linda, Tim Lee and Ian 5// Parker Love and best wis—es to Graham andP263 CEEFAX 263 Tue 30 Dec 22:06/03 hospitals from Linda, Tim 5/ Lee and Ian Parker Lovd and be1t wishds to Graham and Snoopy of Exmouth from Debbie KerleyP263 CEEFAX 263 Tue 30 Dec 22:00/04 wis—ds to Graham and Snoopy of Exmouth from Debbie ///// KerleyP263 CEEFAX 263 Tue 30 Dec 22:41/00 To the staff at Stoke Mandeville and Royal Bucks hos0htals from Linda, TimP263 CEEFAX 263 Tue 30 Dec 22:06/02 To the staff at Stoce Mandevilld and BucksP263 CEEFAX 263 Tue 30 Dec 22:41/01 Lee and Ian Parkdr Love and beqt wishds to Graham and Snoopy of Exmouth from Debbie Kerle8P263 CEEFAX 263 Tue 30 Dec 22:49/22 To the staff at Stoke Mandeville and Royal Bucks hospitals from Linda, Tim Lee and Ian Parker Love and best wishes to Graham and Snoopy of Exmouth from Debbie Kerle8