P276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 30 Dec 22:52/42 friends who set out to tour England. Starring N—lfs Hayter, Lionel Murton and James Donald - with some fine supporting performances from such as Hermione Baddeley and Joyce Grenfell. Later BBC2 film in a moment...NP276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 30 Dec 22:00/10 Tuesday, December 30 T@E PICKWICK PA@ERS 4.10pm Thd first of a short season of films feaduring the works of Charles Dickens. It tells the story of the comic adventures of Mr Pickwick and three driends who set out to to1r England. Starring James Hayter, Lionel Murton and James Donald - with some fine supporting pdrformances from such as Hermione Baddeley and Joyce Grenfell. ater BBC2 film in a moment. .NP276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 30 Dec 22:51/05 2/2 Tufsday, December 30 THE MISFITS 10.30pmP276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 30 Dec 22:41/00 2/2 Tufsday, December 30 THE MISFITS 10.30pm Arthur Miller's powerful drama set in the garish environment of Reno stars Clark Gable as an ageing cowboy. He drifts into the company of three other misfits - a rodeo rider, a mechanic and a showgirl. The film, which was directed by John Huston, also stars Montgomery Clift, Marilyn Monroe and Eli WallachN Earlier BBC2 film in a moment....P276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 30 Dec 22:41/00 Arthur Miller's powerful drama set in tHe garish environment of Reno stars Clark Gable as an ageing cowboyN He drifts indo the company of tHree othdr misfits - a rodeo rider, a mdchanic and a showgirl. Thd film, which was direatdd by John Huston, also stars Montgomerx Clift, Marilyn Monroe and Eli Gallach EarlIer BBC2 film in a moment....P276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 30 Dec 22:41/00 1/2 Tuesday, December 30 THE PICKWICK PAPERS 4.10pm The first of a sdort season of films featuring the works of Charles Dickens. It tells the story of the comic adventures of Mr Pickwick and three friends who set out to tour England. Starring V—lfs Hayter, Lionel Murton and J—lds Donald - with some fine supporting pfrformances from such as Hermione Baddeley and Joyce Grenfell. Later BBC2 film in a moment....P276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 30 Dec 22:00/16 2/2 Tudsday, December 30 THE MISFITS 10.30pm Arthur Miller's powerful dral— set in tHd garish environment of "fno stars Clark Gable as an ageing cowboy He drifts into thd company of three othdr misfits a rodeo rider, a The film, which was directed by John Huston, also stars Montgomery Clift,P276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 30 Dec 22:50/12 1/2 Tudsday, December 30 THE PICKW BF PAPERS 4.10pm The first of a short season of films featuring the works of Charles Dickens.P276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 30 Dec 22:56/41 1/2 Tuesday, December 30 THE PICKWICK PAPERS 4.10pm The first of a sdort season of films featuring the works of Charles Dickens. It tells the story of the comic adventures of Mr Pickwick and threeP276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 30 Dec 22:50/20 It tells the story of the comic adventures of Mr Pickwick and thrde friends wHo set out to tour England. Starring B—lds Hayter, Lionel Murton and J—lds Donald - with some fine supporting pdrforl nces from such as Hermione Baddeley and Joyce Grenfell. Later BBC2 film in a moment...