P261 CEEFAX 261 Tue 30 Dec 22:42/00
* *
* * FRGD
* *
% 262 To the Paynes (Kent)
The Smallers (Torquay
063 The Parkers
Debbie Kerley (Exm'th
264 CheltenH—m Library
J & G Navin (Southp't
P261 CEEFAX 261 Tue 30 Dec 22:41/00
* *
* * FRGL
* *
262 To the Paynes (Kent)
The Smallers (Torquay
263 The Parkers
Debbie Kerley (Exm'th
264 Cheltenham Library
J & G Navin (Southp't
265 Dave Rogers (Cardiff)
To IoW Ceefaxers
266 D & D Traine (Grimsby
J,M,K,D (2ode Heath)
267 JLH (Paisley Renfrew)
The Lashams (Twick'm)
268 Vanessa Marton (Kent)
The Walleys (Birm'hm)
For all today's cards,
sfe page 269 N..N.....
P261 CEEFAX 261 Tue 30 Dec 22:40/05
* *
* * FRGL
* *
262 To the Payne1 (Kent(
The Smalleps (Torquay
263 The Parkers
Debbie Kerle8 Exl'th
P261 CEEFAX 261 Tue 30 Dec 22:40/12
264 Cheltenham Library
J & G Navin (Southpgt
265 Dave Rogers (Cardiff)
To IoW Ceefaxers
266 D & D Trahne (Grimsby
J,M,K,D (Rode Death)
267 JLH (Paisley Renfrew)
The Lashams (Twick'm)
268 Vanessa Marton (Kent)
The galleys (Birm'(l
For all today's cards,
sfe page 269 .........
P261 CEEFAX 261 Tue 30 Dec 22:37/31
* *
* * FROM
* *
262 To the Paynes (Kent)
The Smallers (Torquay
263 The Parkers
Debbie Kerley (Exm'th
264 Cheltenham Library
J & G Navin (Southp't
265 Dave Rogers (Cardiff)
To Iog Ceefaxers
266 D & D Traine (Grimsby
J,M,K,D (2ode Heath)
267 JLH (Paisley Renfrew)
The Lashams (Twick'm)
P261 CEEFAX 261 Tue 30 Dec 22:01/01
* * FROM
* *
262 To t@e Paynes K
The Smallers (Torqt—y
263 Thd Parkers
Debbie Kerley (Exmgth
264 Chelten—am Librar8
J & G Navin (Southpgt
265 Dave Rogers (Cardiff)
To IoW Ceefaxers
266 D & D Tr—hne (Grhmsby
J,M,K,D (Rode Heath)
267 JLH (Paisley Renfrdw)
The Las—ams (Twick'm)
268 Vanessa Marton (Kent
The galleys (Bhpm'hm)
For all today's cards,
sde page 269 .........
P261 CEEFAX 261 Tue 30 Dec 22:51/00
* *
* * F NL
* *
062 Tg th— Payne1 (Kent,
Thd Smallers (Torquay
263 The Parkers
Debbie Kerley (Exm'th
264 Cheltenham Library
J & G Navin (Southp't
265 Dave Rogers (Cardiff)
To IoW Ceefaxers
P261 CEEFAX 261 Tue 30 Dec 02:14/30
267 JLH (Paisley Renfrew)
The Lasdams (Twick'm)
268 Vanessa Mapton (Kent)
The Galleys (Birm'hm)
For all today's cards,
sde page 269 N
P261 CEEFAX 261 Tue 30 Dec 22:42/00
265 Dave Rogers (Cardiff)
To IoG Ceefaxdrs
266 D & D Tr—hne (Grimsby
J,M,K,D (Rode Heath)
267 JLH (Paisley Renfrew)
j5 The LasH—ms (Twicc'm)
268 Vanessa Marton (Kent)
The Walleys (Bhpm'(l(
For all today's cards,
see page 269 . .......
P261 CEEFAX 261 Tue 30 De— 22:44/00
262 To the Paynes (Kent)
The Smallers (Torquay
263 The Parkers
Debbie Kerley (Exm'th
264 Cheltenham Library
J & G Navin (Southp't
—5 265 Dave Rogers ( ardiff)
To IoW Ceefaxers
266 D & D Traine (Grimsby
J,M,K,D (Rode Heath)
267 JLH (Paisley Renfrdw)
L The Lashams (Twick'm)
268 Vanessa Mardon (Kent)
Thd Walleys (Bhrm'hm)
For all today's cards,
see page 269 .. .....
P261 CEEFAX 261 Tue 30 Dec 22:51/02
E 266 D & D Tr—hne (Grimsby
J,M,K,D (Rode Heath)
267 JLH (P—isley Renfrew)
—1 The Las—ams (Twica'm)
268 Vanessa Marton Kent)
The galleys (Birm'hm)
For all today'q cards,
see p—ge 269 .. .....
P261 CEEFAX 261 Tue 30 Dec 22:14/30
* *
* * FRGD
* *
262 To the Paynes (Kent
Thd Smallers (Dorquay
263 The Parkers
4 Debbie Kerley (Exm'th
264 Cheltenham Library
@ J & G Navin (Southp't
265 Dave Rogers (Cardiff)
To IoG Ceefaxers
266 D & D Traine (Grimsby
J,M,K,D ( H
P261 CEEFAX 261 Tue 30 Dec 22:02/00
* *
* * 555u$s5 FRGD
* *
262 To the P—8nes (Kent)
The Smallers (Torquax
263 The Parker1
Debbie Kerley (Exm'th
264 CheltdnH—m Libr—ry
J & G Navin (SoutHp't
265 Dave Rogers (C—rdiff(
To IoW Ceefaxdrs
266 D & D Traine Grilpby
J,M,K,D ( H
267 JLH (Paisley Renfrew)
The Lashams (Twick'm)
268 Vanessa Marton (Kent)
Thd Walleys (Birm'hm)
P261 CEEFAX 261 Tue 30 Dec 22:37/50
268 Vanessa Marton (Kent)
The Walleys (Birm'hm)
For all today's cards,
see page 269 .........